Cheadle Jazz Guitar Club

Cheadle Jazz Guitar Club

meets every 2nd Thursday of the month. ESTABLISHED 2007 Keeping the jazz guitar flame alive.Join us for our Cheadle Jazz Guitar Club  Every second Thursday of the month. Bijou, 9, Massie Street, Cheadle Village, SK8 1BW. The aim of the jazz guitar club is to provide a...


Cheadle Jazz Guitar Club August 10 2023 – Trefor Owen & Andy – Yesterdays.

Re-release: Wales Plays Brazil

Re-release: Wales Plays Brazil

I’m reissuing my “WALES PLAYS BRAZIL” album which has seven of my originals and two of Jobim’s The album features Dave O-Higgins (sax), Tom Hill (double bass) and Dave Hassel (L A percussion). If you would like to purchase the album, you can...
The Pat Martino Interview, by Trefor Owen

The Pat Martino Interview, by Trefor Owen

PAT MARTINO has perhaps been the most popular and enduring of the young jazz guitarists who emerged in the latter years of the sixties. A precocious talent, his hard-swinging be-bop style won many friends amongst his peers and the jazz public at large.

Trefor Owen & Andy Hulme, Jazz Guitar Duo, Ty Helig Lounge

The first ticketed event of the day was held in the lounge of the Ty Helig Guest House and featured a performance by jazz guitarists Trefor Owen and Andy Hulme. The proprietors of Ty Helig are keen supporters of both Brecon Jazz Club and the Festival and regularly...